ADRINORD, Opportunity Maker

Our mission: provide support, exchanges and special interactions between businesses, the world of research and funders.

batiment où se situe les bureaux d'adrinord, en plein coeur des hauts-de-france

Mission and Background

50+ Years Dedicated to R&D & Innovation in Hauts-de-France

A wealth of experience spanning more than 50 years to connect the world of research with key economic players in the Hauts-de-France region.

Connecting R&D and innovation with key players; fostering and seeking successful and meaningful exchanges between businesses based in Hauts-de-France, higher education and research institutions; thus promoting business development through mutually beneficial and successful partnerships… Here’s what’s been driving and inspiring us since our inception.

As an association under the law of 1901, our purpose was initiated in 1967 by our two founding members, major economic and university players in the region: the University of Lille and the CISE (now the MEDEF Hauts-de-France).

Core principles and deep roots that still drive all the actions carried out by our Board of Directors. We continue to promote fruitful interactions between our partners and representatives from the worlds of research and business.

Offer a wide range of services and activities to promote R&D, innovation and training across the region.

We aim to promote the interests of our members, guarantee their growth and success, not only in the region but also nationwide and worldwide. We seek to be a loyal and reliable partner in those areas where they have no prior knowledge. With R&D, innovation and training as our three cornerstones, we strive to fulfill the needs of the research sector so as to connect and meet the needs of the business world.

ADRINORD’s activities include research contract management, in addition to event planning; the company boasts extensive experience in planning scientific events.

ADRINORD embraces and advises all fields of study, across all industries. We provide strategic support to meet the economic needs of our members.   Our strengths: understanding our partners’ skills and being aware of regional players, e.g. centers of excellence, innovation centers, etc. These are key trump cards allowing us to offer a variety of high-quality exchanges.


4 Binding & Unifying Values To Our Members And Partners


Since its inception in 1967, ADRINORD has based its governance on equality. Our directors – former research and business leaders – made it a fundamental principle to have equal representation in terms of number of votes within our organization. More than half a century has passed and, this founding principle is still the bedrock of collaboration within our governance.

Openness To Every Field

ADRINORD supports R&D and Innovation in all disciplinary and research fields to support growth across all industries. As such, whilst ADRINORD routinely acquires specific competencies in certain business lines, our association aims to remain mainstream.

Commitment To Regional & Local Development

ADRINORD’s primary goal was to ” reinstate our great region in the national economy ” as our former President stated in 1969. At that time it was called the Nord / Pas-de-Calais Region, which has now become, alongside Picardy, the great region of Hauts-de-France. Our commitment to regional and local development is still what drives our actions. Our Board Members are still obliged to carry out “their work in the Region”. At the same time, our actions play an important role in the national and international reputation of Hauts-de-France.

Financial Independence

ADRINORD is financially stable through its services. 


Research Tax Credit

The RTC is a blanket support measure for companies’ R&D activities, irrespective of sector or size. A financial advantage that allows 30% of the invoices issued to be recovered as tax credit. The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has granted ADRINORD the Research Tax Credit authorization for the 2015-2019 period. The application for renewal is underway.

CPD Organization

To further develop our process and provide suitable and certified training for healthcare professionals, ADRINORD is registered with the National Agency for Continuing Professional Development, and is labeled as a CPD organization.